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How Often To Post On Social Media? June 18, 2021

How often do you post on social media? 

This is a big question. The simple answer is: “as long as you can consistently publish high quality content.” But then again, there’s more to that. Quality and consistency are the keys to the success of social media. This has not changed in 2021, and I don’t want it to change forever.

The long Answer: A recent study found that various social media platforms have the highest posting rates. Fortunately, this may not be as common as you hear. every 15 minutes? Do not worry about that. This might work for an account with 100,000 followers, but not for a typical company that uses social media marketing.

Although, most studies agree that once a day and up to two posts a day is best, Hubspot found that on sites with less than 10,000 subscribers, posting more than once a day reduced engagement by 50%. Post to your Facebook page three times a week.

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